Gutter board is a game that can be played outside. It should be challenging for the first time for the new players. It is a fun and competitive game. But some people are very good.
When I first play gutter board it was too complicated and I kept on missing. My friend taught me how to play until now I know how to play and it is much easier. I kept on practicing and I always say to myself practice makes perfect.
The lines are just parallel. They are not close and they are 1 metre apart. First put the triangular board in the centre and take the rubber bouncy ball or a tennis ball. The first line is 15, second is 10, third is 5 and fourth is 3.
The first line is just next to the gutter board which is easy and it gets harder and harder. To play is to take the bouncy ball and try to target it to the centre of the gutter board. If it hits the board then it shall come back. To win get up to the last line and try to get 3. The rules is the audience has to see if the feet touches the line.
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