Name: Sini 20 August 2015
The rain came down like a hail of bullets on the flat side on the top of the roof of our car. I was very terror that there was a bulkes on the top of the car. I want inside the house I was inside the car I was the only one in the car and my mum, dad, sisters and brothers.
I try to get out but I can’t I was too scare. My brother watched me at the car he told me to run out because we are going out to the airport. the airport was just next to our house and we always save money. We got 1000,00 money and we are going to spend it. I ran to the airport I saw my mum and dad, sister and my brother at the airport. I ran up to them and said I am safe they said good you made it in time. Just then we got into the airplane it started to fly I was a bit nervous because I thought that the airplane is going to fall.
When we got into America it was beautiful and cool my brother likes it because this is his first time coming to America. My sister been to America 3 times she came with my aunt. We went to our aunt's house and stay there. She was surprised that we came she told us where is our room it was cool there we are going to stay there for ever.
By Sini
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